Archive for better service

Starbucks, corporate spin, nationwide closings, support local coffee shops

Posted in Charlotte, Coffee, Coffee shops, Entertainment, Events, Greensboro, Media, Roasting coffee, Tate Street Coffee Greensboro with tags , , , , , , , on February 15, 2008 by nccoffeeshopmusic

Let me be honest. I do not like Starbucks coffee. I also do not like the corporate aspect of Starbucks. In fairness to Starbucks, apparently they treat their employees well. I believe their coffee is overbrewed. When I buy their coffee beans, it always tastes better than the coffee they brew.

In regard to their corporate attitude toward customers. For years they have arrogantly charged customers for wireless access when many coffee shops and restaurants around them offer wireless access as a service to the customers. Now Starbucks has decided to close all stores on February 26 from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. Their excuse is to provide better service and quality to their customers. Well what have they been doing for years. Are they just now figuring it out? I can see George Orwell turning over in his grave again. It sounds like doublespeak to me. It also has the appearance of the government “looking out for me.” If you value your customers, you don’t shut down when they need your service.

Starbucks customers, use this as an opportunity to support a local small business. Odds are, the coffee at the other coffee shops is better. It has to be. So, on February 26, from 5:30 to 8:30 PM, visit a local small business coffee shop.